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Iraj Yamin Esfandiary Cartoons Page

2003 Cartoons
2004 Cartoons
2005 Cartoons
2006 Cartoons
Email: Iraj551 ".at." earthlink ".dot." net
2005 Cartoons:

* Bush with Santa Saddam
* Saddam & Bush: Iraqi elections

* Bush: Leaving Iraq when Iraqis tsnad up
* Rejecting terrorists in Iraq
* Before and after

* Scooter Libby: Iraq War
* Milestone: U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq
* Saddam's trial
* Iraq's constitution
* Bin Laden's answer
* Bush proud of his work
* Bush: Follow my lead
* Abortion, blacks & crime

* George & Condi: Iran election
* Bolton: Cooking the books
* Heaven: No vacancy
* Iranian people: Concubine

* Code Yellow

* John Bolton blasting UN
* Pope Benedict's views
* Dr. Know: Ahvaz unrest
* Bolton confirmation
* Liberty
* Let's talk peace
* New bankruptcy rules: Supporters
* Foreign affairs
* Great corporate pope
* Pope loved Reagan
* Khatami handshake
* Next Pope: Naked truth
* Pope: Women's rights
* Cardinal Bush
* Medal of honor
* Archbishop Romero
* Pope John Paul II (1)
* Pope John Paul II (2)
* Bush, Karl Rove, Terri Schiavo
* Trust the system: Bush

* Spreading democracy
* Another Nazi cartoonist?
* Vegetative state
* World Bank robbery
* Breaking news
* Happy Norooz: Semirom
* UN Ambassador Bolton
* Invade Iran
* Occuptation: Syria vs. Israel
* Women's Day
* Bush democracy
* Exposed threat
* Interception: Zarqawi
* Supporting the troops

* Excuse to attack Iran/Syria
* All about oil
* Social insecurity
* Classification of dictators
* Liberated Iraqi woman
* It's fun to kill
* Bush: Lying
* Bush: State of the Union

* Iraq votes
* Elections in Fallujah
* Iraq elections: Balanced news
* Bush inauguration: Celebration of freedom
* Rice: Torture
* Fallujah Tsunami
* Iraq: Fueling fire
* Bush: Tsunami break
* Compassionate Bush: Tsunami vs. War

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2006 Cartoons >>

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This cartoon is a property of Iraj Yamin Esfandiary.  Any reproduction of these material without permission of Iraj Yamin Esfandiary or Asoon.com is prohibited.  Links to this page is recommended without any change or modification to its content.
You may contact artist by sending email to: iraj551 .@. earthlink . net...
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